• MySpeleo

27th International Cave Bear Symposium ICBS

Internationaal Congres
donderdag 1 september 2022 16:00 - zondag 4 september 2022 18:00
Museum Burg Golling, Markt 1
5440 Golling an der Salzach, Oostenrijk
27th International Cave Bear Symposium ICBS 2022
The 27th International Cave Bear Symposium (ICBS 2022) will be held in Golling an der Salzach (province Salzburg, Austria). All researchers and interested colleagues are invited to take an active or passive role in the proceedings. The Symposium takes place in collaboration with the Haus der Natur Salzburg, the Regional Association for Speleology of Salzburg and the Eisriesenwelt GmbH.
Symposium fee
The symposium fee is 50,00 EUR. For students we offer a reduced fee of 40,00 EUR. The fee includes entry to all presentations, refreshments during the day of presentations, a welcome drink, the conference dinner (without drinks), the excursions and free entrance to the exhibition of the Museum Burg Golling. Participants of the post conference excursion to the cave »Eisriesenwelt« have to pay in addition 17,00 EUR for the cable car and the cave visit.
The deadline for registration is 30.06.2022.
For registration, please use the separate registration form on the website and send it back to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..
For excursions hiking shoes, warm clothing, rain shield and backpack are necessary! Helmets, lamps and overalls will be provided for all participants, who don’t have own equipment.
All information and 1st Circular athttps://www.museumgolling.at/forschung/icbs2022/

Alle datums

  • Van donderdag 1 september 2022 16:00 tot zondag 4 september 2022 18:00
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