• MySpeleo

Karst, Caves and People 2023

Internationaal Congres
woensdag 20 september 2023 08:00 - zondag 24 september 2023 18:00
Kulturní dům, Cultural Centre, Sloup 189
679 13 Sloup, Tsjechië

We invite you to the upcoming 5th International Meeting of Cavers  in the Moravian Karst and  the 2nd conference Karst, Caves and People 2023!

Thiese events are organized on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the first historical descent of man into the Macocha Abyss in the Moravian Karst and on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the foundation of the Czech Speleological Society.

During this speleological meeting you can visit the most significant caves in Moravian Karst, conference topics are focused on history of human activities in the karst regions. As the highlight of the event will be a historical reconstruction of the descent of the monk Lazarus Schopper into the – 134 m deep Macocha Abyss.

Here you can find the second circular for both events and all information is also on the official website, which will be regularly updated : https://www.speleo.cz/karst-caves-and-people-2023

We hope to see you in Moravian Karst again!


Alle datums

  • Van woensdag 20 september 2023 08:00 tot zondag 24 september 2023 18:00
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