Contact English

A introduction into caving costs around € 22,- per person. This is to cover insurance an rent for safety equipement (batteries not included).

Introductietocht st. Anne

    Your name (required)

    Your e-mail (required)

    Your phone number

    Age indication (required)

    under 1818 and older

    Each person joining us on any activity club related is obliged to be insured by our insurance via a payment and signing the form and the document stating the risks send to you by mail. Under aged persons need to have a legal guardian signing the documents.


    Your message


    This e-mail is recieved by the following cavers:
    Charles Schaap (alg. coördinator), Jolanda Spronck (buitenland coördinator), Roland Disco (tochtencoördinator), John van Soest (introductie tochten coördinator).
    They will contact you with the first possible date. Or invite you to join us at our monthly meeting "de Keigel" in Maastricht.